Artificial Intelligence, AI, Ethics, security

AI Systems in Everyday Use: Navigating Security and Ethical Implications

AI systems like ChatGPT and have emerged as powerful tools revolutionizing workplace efficiency and productivity. These platforms offer a wide range of capabilities that can benefit various departments within a company, including Marketing, Sales, IT, Security, Legal, Customer Service, and Engineering/Development, among others. From generating human-like text to developing internal documents, policies, and procedures, AI systems can assist with email content, A/B testing, social media content creation, marketing research, real-time support, automated messaging, knowledge base creation, code generation, debugging assistance, and more.


AI systems offer numerous benefits but pose unique security, ethics, and privacy challenges that organizations must tackle. These concerns are significant enough that certain companies, including Apple, Citigroup, Verizon, and Wells Fargo, have banned their use. In this blog, we will explore the exciting advancements in AI systems, focusing specifically on their everyday applications, and delve into the critical aspect of navigating the security implications they present. By narrowing the scope to typical use cases, we aim to provide insights and practical guidance to help organizations make informed decisions and implement adequate security measures when leveraging AI systems.


Introduction to AI Platforms in Everyday Use

AI platforms like ChatGPT and can generate human-like responses to text-based queries, specializing in different capabilities. For example, streamlines written content creation, empowering businesses to create compelling ad copy, marketing emails, sales pitches, and social media posts. Meanwhile, ChatGPT goes beyond these capabilities and offers additional features such as automated assistance for answering FAQs, troubleshooting issues, scheduling appointments, and providing personalized education support. As a result, these platforms could revolutionize industries by automating tasks that previously required human expertise.


Security Risks

While AI platforms like ChatGPT and offer numerous benefits, they also introduce unique security risks and vulnerabilities. One of the most significant concerns is the potential leakage of sensitive information. As AI systems process and generate text-based content, intellectual property, customer data, confidential information, and personal data can be exposed or compromised. Unauthorized access to these AI-generated outputs can have serious consequences, including reputational damage, legal implications, and financial losses. Additionally, AI platforms may be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where malicious actors exploit vulnerabilities in the AI models to manipulate or deceive the system. These attacks can lead to disseminating of false or misleading information, potentially causing harm or mislead users. Organizations must be aware of these security risks and take proactive measures to safeguard their data and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of their AI-generated content.


While securing cloud-based AI platforms lies with the service providers, organizations must establish proper governance and risk management processes to ensure data security. This includes conducting thorough vendor and platform risk reviews, defining controlled use cases, and establishing policies for acceptable use and ethical considerations such as discrimination and bias. Additionally, training programs should educate the workforce on potential security risks and ensure compliance with organizational policies. By taking these measures, organizations can mitigate the risks and vulnerabilities associated with AI platforms and provide secure and controlled usage.


One significant security risk associated with AI platforms is the potential for data breaches. In recent years, there have been instances where AI models, including ChatGPT, have been compromised, exposing sensitive information. One notable incident involved unauthorized access to an AI training dataset used by ChatGPT, resulting in the exposure of private user conversations. Such breaches highlight the importance of robust security measures to protect user data and ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information.


Incidents like this highlight the need for reasonable basic measures, a robust AI Policy, and a governance program overseeing these areas.


Basic Security Measures

Implementing basic security measures is crucial to safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring responsible usage in AI platforms and their security implications. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  1. Confidential Information: It is essential to strictly prohibit the sharing or copying of any confidential or sensitive information into the AI platform, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, or other personally identifiable information, as this can increase the risk of data leakage or unauthorized access.
  2. Authorized Accounts: It is essential to enforce company-approved accounts for accessing and utilizing AI platforms to maintain control and ensure the company or customer information is not copied or stored into non-sanctioned accounts.
  3. Vendor Review and Due Diligence: Conducting a thorough vendor review and due diligence process is necessary before adopting any AI platform. This process entails evaluating the vendor’s security practices, data handling procedures, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  4. Approved Use Cases: Organizations should establish a clear set of approved use cases for the AI platform. This helps prevent unauthorized or inappropriate usage and ensures the platform is utilized for legitimate business purposes.
  5. Training and Communication: Educate employees on security measures, data protection, and responsible AI platform use. Foster effective communication channels to promote compliance and empower informed decision-making for a secure AI environment.
  6. Governance and Oversight: It is beneficial to establish a committee, such as an Ethics Committee, that oversees the use cases of AI platforms to address ethical considerations. This committee can review and assess the potential impact of AI technologies on privacy, bias, discrimination, and other ethical aspects, ensuring responsible and ethical use of the platform. The committee can be part of the overall process, including security and IT reviews.


By adhering to these basic security measures, organizations can mitigate risks, protect sensitive information, and promote responsible and secure usage of AI platforms.


Use Cases & Assign Users to Approved Platforms

It is vital to develop approved use cases that describe what users can do within specific platforms to ensure responsible and legitimate usage of AI platforms. For instance, an approved use case could be “Internal Business Documents,” where the use of AI systems is permitted for policy and procedure development, creating informative and engaging training materials such as videos, manuals, or presentations, or generating reports and analyses of business data using natural language to describe trends, patterns, and insights. Another example could be using an AI platform to generate email content for personalizing and creating engaging messages, as long as personally identifiable information is not uploaded. In such cases, AI systems can assist with subject creation, body content, tone, and style, among other things. By developing and adhering to approved use cases, organizations can prevent unauthorized or inappropriate usage of AI platforms and ensure they are being utilized for legitimate business purposes.


Each use case can then be applied to a specific user set for a particular application. This allows for greater control over who and what users can do.


Internal Use AI Systems Policy Contents

This policy should include a clear philosophy and acceptable use guidelines, such as using AI as a supplement, not a replacement, avoiding discriminatory or offensive language, and refraining from copying or sharing confidential information. Additionally, the policy should outline types of content that are not allowed, such as sexually offensive, discriminatory, or promoting illegal activities. It should also prohibit using models to create profiles or scores based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.


The policy should also describe the review processes for approving AI platforms and use cases, including who governs these processes. While initially including approved use cases in the policy may be helpful, this can become cumbersome over time. Therefore, it is essential to have a process for regularly reviewing and updating the policy to reflect any changes in approved use cases or guidelines. By having a comprehensive policy, your organization can ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI Systems and protect against potential risks or ethical concerns.


Training and Communication

Implementing a comprehensive training program for employees is essential to ensure they understand the security measures, guidelines, and best practices associated with AI platform usage. Training should cover topics such as data protection, confidential information handling, responsible use of AI systems, and the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with these platforms. Organizations can empower employees to make informed decisions, maintain compliance, and contribute to a secure AI environment by providing regular training and fostering effective communication channels.



In conclusion, AI systems like ChatGPT and have the potential to revolutionize workplace efficiency and productivity across various departments. However, they also introduce unique security, ethics, and privacy challenges that organizations must tackle. To ensure responsible and secure usage, organizations must implement basic security measures, establish approved use cases, conduct thorough vendor reviews and due diligence, and establish governance and oversight committees to address ethical considerations. Additionally, organizations should develop an internal AI systems policy that outlines acceptable use guidelines, review processes and types of content that are not allowed, and conduct training to communicate these measures properly. By taking these measures, organizations can mitigate risks, protect sensitive information, and promote responsible and ethical use of AI systems.

About the Author

Picture of Brent Neal

Brent Neal

Brent Neal, the lead vCISO and principal advisor at Vanguard Technology Group, brings over 25 years of extensive experience in Security, IT, and GRC departments. With expertise in strategy, governance, program development, and compliance, Mr. Neal has paved the way for VTG’s comprehensive services. We specialize in providing holistic consulting, strategic planning, and tailored solutions to meet the unique security needs of various industries. Our expert guidance helps organizations establish a strong security posture, align initiatives with business objectives, and confidently navigate the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

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